Monday, February 24, 2014

Letter to the 5th Grader

Dear 5th Grader, January, 25 2014

Guess what? I've got great info about middle school! One thing you should know about middle school is that you need to juggle a lot more assignments. In turn, this gives you more homework. Be prepared because being unprepared and unorganized could be catastrophic. Also the iPad is a big tool but it also has responsibilities such as checking for homework often. Middle school is just a whole lot more responsibility. Nobody is making you go anywhere. If you want to be late, you can be late. You really have to be on task. Lastly and certainly least, there is no more recess. Overall, middle school is a place where you get some more privileges and a lot more responsibilities.       

Personally, my favorite thing about middle school is the iPad. When you are at home, after you've done your work, it gives you a lot more options for free time. There are a lot of games you can choose to play and have fun with. The iPad also makes it so we can use apps to study, read and make documents. Using the iPad gives you a lot of ways to help the environment such as using it to not waste paper or going to websites such as to earn rice for the hungry. Also there are many apps, such as google drive, that allow you to work on one document at the same time with other students. 

To finish up, you are going to be fine. A few low grades are not the end of the world. Just remember that you should always do your best and have fun. One last thing, as the Maya Angelo said "There is no greater agony that bearing an untold story inside yourself." In my opinion this means that you should get out there and do something.

Benjamin Boschert 

Ps. Don't forget to be awesome